Morocco’s Contribution to Cocody Bay Rehabilitation, Best Showcase of South-South Cooperation | North Africa Post
More results from King Mohammed VI’s most recent Africa tour:
Morocco’s solidarity with Africa is not hot air but a tangible reality. A reality that is taking shape and becoming more and more evident as King Mohammed VI has spearheaded over the past few days landmark projects in Senegal, Guinea-Bissau and Ivory Coast during his current African tour.
The development projects and agreements sealed by Morocco with these African countries meet urgent needs in priority sectors for African people such as agriculture, health, water, fishing, and vocational training…
But one of the projects has created more regional and international buzz than others. It is the rehabilitation of the Bay of Cocody in Côte d’Ivoire.
After it suffered increased pollution, repeated flooding and accelerated silting by massive urbanization of the Gourou basin, this Bay shows currently severe environmental degradation.
Entrusted with the challenging task of repairing the damage caused to Cocody Bay and turning it into an attractive and inspiring site for the local population, Moroccan company “Marchica Med” has worked out a master plan for the safeguard and development of the Cocody Bay…[full story]