Time to resolve the Western Sahara dispute | The Hill
More calls to finally end the Western Sahara dispute:
Love and patriotism are difficult emotions to fake. Last week, Moroccans around the world commemorated a peaceful march that 40 years ago declared Morocco’s historical claim to its beloved Saharan lands. King Mohamed VI, who is devoted to the cause of the nation’s claim to its southern provinces, continues to draw crowds and support.
With its diverse regions, dialects, ethnicities and political views, Morocco is by no means a monolithic nation. But its support behind the king and the “Moroccan Sahara” is well more than the majority. And it’s hard to discount Morocco’s economic and administrative presence in Western Sahara for the last four decades.
Furthermore, any move that would acquiesce to the demands of a minority campaign for self-determination in the Sahara—that of the Polisario Front—would cause instability and invite participation from a group ill-equipped even to administer its own rudimentary camps in the Algerian desert…[FULL STORY]