Golden Globe Winners Taraji P. Henson, Sam Smith, Ridley Scott Tell Us Where to Travel in 2016 | Condé Nast Traveler
Film Director Ridley Scott picks Morocco as his choice for where to travel in 2016:
Sir Ridley Scott
Sir Ridley Scott, director of the Castaway-meets-Apollo 13 movie The Martian, celebrated two wins at the Golden Globes—for best motion picture (comedy or musical) and best actor in a motion picture (comedy or musical, Matt Damon). He’s certainly a fan of far-flung locations…
Condé Nast Traveler: Your work has taken you around the world, and now, to Mars. Is there a place you’ve been, or filmed, that we should visit next?
Sir Ridley Scott: Every time I have a holiday, I never want to go anywhere but home, but two weeks ago I saw all the South Island of New Zealand in two and a half days. That means I got within nine feet [by helicopter] of the highest peak all the way to the top. That’s part of the job. I would also go back to Morocco in a flash. I have been there four times, and I know Morocco probably as well as any Moroccan. You get to travel, and that’s partly why I love the job…[FULL STORY]