Posts Tagged ‘King Mohammed VI’

During These Turbulent Times, the United States Should Call On Morocco – Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) October 24, 2018 Henry Kissinger believed that one of America’s principal strengths in international affairs is the unique role it plays as balancer among states in support of its strategic interests and that of its most trusted allies. Kissinger said, “the Founders were sophisticated men who understood the European balance of power and manipulated it to the new country’s advantage.” He added, “In (Theodore) Roosevelt’s ...

Western Sahara – Life In the Polisario Camps – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley October 19, 2018 If you want a tourist’s view of any place on earth, ask a tourist. If you really want to get a good understanding of what life is like in Queens or Brooklyn, ask a fair sample of people who were born and raised there. What has changed? What is still pretty much the same? What accounts for the differences and continuities? The same can ...

UNGA Fifteen Years Ago, and Today – Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) October 10, 2018 The annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York last week calls to mind one held 15 years ago when President George W. Bush became personally involved in the question of the Western Sahara.  Since the US first proposed a compromise political solution in 1999, in which it suggested an internationally accepted form of autonomy for the people ...

Morocco’s Dilemma: How to Achieve Sustained, Inclusive Growth and Overcome Social and Economic Inequality – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader October 9, 2018 Morocco faces a dilemma common to many countries in Africa and the Middle East: given limited resources and large youth population, how does it overcome structural barriers to balanced and equitable economic growth and still achieve political openness? This is a critical problem for Morocco because it is in a democratic process towards greater government power-sharing that should be empowering citizens and local officials. ...

Western Sahara: A December Meeting of the Parties? – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley October 5, 2018 Though “official Rabat” has been silent thus far, news reports from UN headquarters in New York and various Moroccan press sources seem to indicate that Morocco will attend the December “roundtable” meeting in Geneva to discuss how best to move forward on the Western Sahara. Close observers can be excused if they find themselves somewhat confused by the latest developments as reported in the ...

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