Posts Tagged ‘King Mohammed VI’

Remembering King Hassan II, 19 years after his death — Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) July 23, 2018 Today marks the 19th anniversary of the death of King Hassan II.  Anyone associated with Morocco remembers where they were and what they were doing at the moment they heard of the King’s passing.  And although that day is remembered with great sadness, it was also filled with hope for a new beginning with his son, King Mohammed VI.  Few people argue ...

Is Morocco a Serious Partner of the US? — Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) July 16, 2018 For the past twenty years I have been involved with Morocco, first as US Ambassador, from 1997-2001, and, until my resignation last October, as an adviser for most of the past two decades. The most frequently asked questions of me by US policymakers over the years has been whether Morocco is truly serious about reform and change, and whether it is willing ...

Deputy Secretary Sullivan’s Comments in Morocco: Could He Have Gone Further? — Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) July 5, 2018 Deputy Secretary Sullivan visited Rabat last week and offered what the Moroccan press reported as encouraging news. One outlet even ran with the title, “US says it backs Morocco autonomy plan for Western Sahara.”  However, upon further examination, the title is more misleading than accurate.  Sullivan’s comments, as reported, while positive, unfortunately do not break new ground. As reported by Arab News ...

Western Sahara – Facts on the Ground – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley July 3, 2018 With impending visits to the region scheduled by UN Personal Envoy Kohler and US Deputy Secretary of State Sullivan, the Moroccan American Center for Policy (MACP) recently convened an informal discussion of circumstances in Morocco’s southern Saharan provinces. We were pleased that many of our contacts in government, business and the think tank community in Washington with considerable experience in the region took time ...

Elections in Libya Mired in Controversy – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader July 2, 2018 The leading political factions in Libya represented by Fayez al-Sarraj, President of the Presidency Council of Libya, Aguila Saleh, President of the House of Representatives (HoR), Khaled Meshri, President of the High State Council (HSC), and, General Khalifa Haftar, Commander of the LNA, agreed on May 29th in Paris to a UN supervised process for new elections by December 10th for president and parliament. ...

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