Posts Tagged ‘King Mohammed VI’

Equalizing the Playing Field-FIFA 2026 Bidding Process — Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) May 30, 2018 (This article has been updated from its original version first published March 23, 2018) At first glance, one has to wonder if the competition to host the 2026 soccer (football) World Cup can even be competitive. It’s the United 2026 joint bid of the US, Mexico, and Canada versus Morocco.  With a combined GDP of more than $21 trillion, the US-led consortium ...

Maghreb Matters: Morocco’s Agricultural Sector Heading Up; Results of IMF Meetings in Tunisia and Algeria; Morocco and EU Agree to Talk Fish – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader June 5, 2018 The agricultural sector, still a key component of Morocco’s economy, received some good news from the Oxford Business Group (OBG) in its latest review of the sector. According to the report, “Higher yields and improved product quality are driving investment in Morocco’s agricultural sector, with the country seeking to boost returns on farming output and expand exports.” While the country is still largely dependent ...

Western Sahara – Polisario Ambitions and Reversals – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley June 4, 2018 I keep having to ask myself, “what is it that Polisario really wants?” I know what Algeria really wants. They want the Western Sahara issue to drag on forever, all the better to keep poking Morocco in the eye with it. And in that project, Polisario is their ever ready stick. Nothing new here.  I have it on good authority that in a rare ...

Former US Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel awarded the 2018 Ellis Island Medal of Honor – Kristen Kouttab

Kristen Kouttab June 1, 2018 Ambassador Edward Gabriel received the prestigious Ellis Island Medal of Honor award on May 12, on Ellis Island, in New York City. This award is presented annually to American citizens “who have distinguished themselves within their own ethnic groups while exemplifying the values of the American way of life.” Among the past honorees are seven US Presidents, three world leaders, and two Nobel Prize winners. ...

Maghreb Matters: What’s up with Morocco’s ECOWAS membership? Morocco reports on projects in the South; and highlights its digital development at Paris tech show – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader June 1, 2018 Morocco’s 2017 application for full membership in the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) has not been without controversy. Morocco’s long-term goal, according to Riccardo Fabiani, is to “Become a trade and production hub that can interface between European, American, and Sub-Saharan African trading blocs.” A majority of the current members welcomes Morocco’s potential role since many of them already have beneficial bilateral ...

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