Posts Tagged ‘King Mohammed VI’

Western Sahara: “Frustration?” – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley December 21, 2018 National Security Advisor John Bolton recently delivered an address to the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think tank, outlining the Trump Administration’s policies, concerns, and ambitions for Africa.  In doing so, he expressed his “frustration” that the Western Sahara issue remains unresolved and his “preference” that the Parties to the dispute over the future of the territory find a way to settle on a ...

The 40-year struggle between Morocco and the Algerian-backed Polisario for control of the Western Sahara: The United States has Two Choices – Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) December 17, 2018 As someone who has closely followed the Western Sahara conflict for the past twenty years, it is apparent to me that the United States has only two choices to address the issue. Either it can maintain the status quo, as it has pretty much done since 2008 (i.e. do nothing), or it can use its clout to push for a compromise political ...

A Call for Landscape Architecture for Interfaith Initiatives: From Morocco to Jerusalem

Sarah Turkenicz December 11, 2018 Design plays a fundamental role in cultivating and forming collective memory through the shaping of physical public spaces. Landscape architecture is a field that grapples with social inequality and spatial complexity – two characteristics that Jerusalem embodies. In comparing the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem with the Akrich tree nursery in Morocco, I hope to shed light on how design can be better approached when ...

Western Sahara: The Geneva Meeting – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley December 10, 2018 It appears that UN Personal Envoy Horst Kohler’s reported request that the Parties refrain from extensive comments to the media following their Geneva meeting of December 5 and 6 has largely been respected, thus far.  Little of substance has been reported. Nevertheless, there are some clues. Kohler has announced that he intends to call for another round of discussions in the first quarter of ...

Former US Ambassador to Morocco, Frederick Vreeland, recalls his friendship with President Bush and time in Morocco

Ambassador Frederick Vreeland December 9, 2018 The late President George H.W. Bush once told me he appreciated the support Morocco had shown when he was building the coalition of nations opposing what Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator, called its “annexation” of Kuwait, in August 1990.  One week after that invasion, the Arab League met and adopted a resolution calling for troops to assure the liberation of Kuwait and the protection of ...

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