
US Rep. Bass Calls Strategic Dialogue ‘important milestone’ for US-Morocco relations and region


MACP (Washington, DC, Sept. 19, 2012) — Today, U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.), Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee of Africa, Global Health and Human Rights, made the following statement after U.S. and Moroccan officials announced that both countries took part in a Strategic Dialogue hosted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“I congratulate both Morocco and the Obama Administration on the launch of the Strategic Dialogue between our countries. This is a very important milestone in our bilateral relationship and creates a framework that will only deepen our historic alliance. While we have serious challenges to confront, this recent milestone in our relationship will ensure that each nation is working together to create a collaborative vision for the North African region where peace and humanity prevails and the voices of hate and intolerance cannot succeed.”


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