
Rethinking Workforce Solutions in Morocco: A Partnership Approach [Huffington Post]

Lessons from the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Morocco on the need to support Morocco’s investment in education and skills:

Entrepreneurship is the tonic for the cyclical ailments that are plaguing the Middle East and North Africa. The key ingredient in the entrepreneurial serum is what Vice President Joe Biden has referred to as a natural skepticism for orthodoxy. “You cannot fundamentally change the world without breaking the old,” Biden told a crowd of entrepreneurs at the fifth annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Marrakech, Morocco. “It takes a value system that gives people the freedom to try and to fail, or as they say in the fabled Silicon Valley, fail forward, without being criticized.”

At the recently held GES in Marrakech, entrepreneurs, mentors, incubators, policymakers and educators gathered to exchange ideas on how to foster entrepreneurship across the world. Of the various takeaways at the conference was an assertion that in order to cultivate such a system, the United States as a global leader in innovation must invest in education and entrepreneurship in Morocco now as budding entrepreneurs look for mentors and resources to build their ventures.

The Aspen Institute’s Partners for a New Beginning – North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity (PNB -NAPEO) has sought to bolster education and entrepreneurship in Morocco by encouraging partnerships between the US and Moroccan private sector. The Aspen Institute aims to serve as a platform to bring together public and private partners to closely examine and address the issue of youth unemployment problems in Morocco by advancing best practices in workforce development and facilitating specific skills training programs in high growth economic sectors…[Full Story]

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