
Morocco’s comprehensive anti-terrorism approach paid off – Edward Gabriel | Maghreb Arab Press

Morocco receives praise at the White House’s Summit on Countering Violent Extremism:

MAP logoMorocco has developed a comprehensive approach to combating terrorism that proved to be efficient, US former Ambassador Edward Gabriel said on Wednesday in Washington.

Morocco’s approach draws efficiency from its pertinence coupled with political, economic, social, religious and human rights reforms, Gabriel told MAP on the sidelines of the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism held in Washington on February 18-20.

The former US diplomat highlighted Morocco’s efforts to champion a tolerant and moderate Islam which made of the Kingdom a model in the continent.

Several countries are looking forward to learn from the Moroccan model and expertise in this field, he said, referring in this respect to Morocco’s program to train Imams from several African countries.

Morocco plays a leading role in the fight against international terrorism in partnership with the US, he said.

Gabriel also mentioned the close cooperation between Morocco and the US to combat terrorism in the Maghreb and the Sahel.

The White House Summit on combating terrorism is meant to discuss issues pertaining to the fight against terrorism and radicalization…[Original Story, Subscription Required]

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