
Morocco’s Efforts to Counter Foreign Terrorist Fighters Highlighted in Washington’s Anti-terrorism Summit | Maghreb Arab Press

Morocco’s comprehensive approach praised as a model for countering extremism at the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism:

MAP logoThe comprehensive approach adopted by Morocco in countering the proliferation of Foreign terrorists was highlighted on Wednesday by Minister Delegate to the Foreign Minister Mbarka Bouaida who is leading the Moroccan delegation in the Washington Countering Violent Extremism.

In this regard, Bouaida highlighted the pertinence of the international initiative against foreign terrorist fighters launched by Morocco in partnership with the Netherlands during the Global Counterterrorism Forum.

This initiative aims to increase the anticipation level in countering the threat posed by international terrorist fighters .

Bouaida also recalled the adoption in September 2014 of the Hague-Marrakech Memorandum on Good Practices for a More Effective Response to the Foreign Terrorist Fighters Phenomenon.

This Memorandum represents a platform enabling  better coordination of efforts at the national, regional and international level, she said.

As a founding member of the Global Counterterrorism Forum, Morocco is fully committed to the four major headings laid down in the Memorandum to address the threat posed by foreign terrorist fighters, Bouaida said.

In this respect, the Moroccan official highlighted the importance of multilateral cooperation, citing in this respect Morocco’s cooperation with Spain as an example that is not only limited to the exchange of information and best practices but includes also joint operations on the ground…[Original Story, Subscription Required]




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