
TripAdvisor users choose Marrakech, Morocco, as top 2015 destination | L.A. Times

Marrakech chosen by TripAdvisor users as the #1 place to visit in 2015:

la timesTripAdvisor users love Marrakech. They chose the Moroccan city as the No. 1 place to visit in 2015.

The former imperial city is inland, south of the more famous coastal Casablanca and capital Rabat. It was selected in TripAdvisor‘s Top 10 Travelers’ Choice Destinations 2015 report released Monday.

In a random look at TripAdvisor, I found a reviewer named Davieclan who posted this on Sunday:

“Quite something during the day, incredible at night as it changes atmosphere considerably — food stalls at night are worth wandering around (calamari, chips and aubergine [eggplant] one evening was lovely and very cheap). Could wander round here for hours, people and animal watching. From spices to snakes, monkeys to musicians — so much to see and hear.”..[Full Story]



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