
OLAF Report Still Making Waves | North Africa Post

An EU Anti-Fraud Office report on Polisario aid embezzlement continues to make waves in European policy circles:

The North Africa PostThe report of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) on the diversion of the international humanitarian assistance, mainly European, to the Algeria-based Tindouf camps that was made public last January is still making waves and influencing decision-making at the international scale.

On Wednesday, the European Parliament adopted unanimously a resolution urging Algeria to allow the organization of a census of the Tindouf camps refugees and warned that Europe will extend humanitarian assistance to the camps on condition that the population living there is registered.

In their resolution adopted at a plenary session in Strasbourg, the MEPs called for a reassessment of the EU aid and for its adaptation to the true needs of the people living in the Tindouf camps.

The camps were set up in the early 70s to accommodate the Sahrawi separatists that left the Western Sahara after the Spanish colony was handed over to Morocco.

Having soon sensed that hosting the refugees was a money-spinning operation, Algeria and the separatist Polisario front started luring nomads and Touaregs from Mauritania, Mali and Niger to claim more and more humanitarian aid.

They have thus deceived humanitarian aid donors as to the true needs of the camps population for years…[Full Story]

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