
Morocco: CFC Awarded Africa Economy Builders’ Grand Prize | MedAfrica Times

Morocco’s Casablanca Finance City wins Africa Economy Builders’ Grand Prize for contribution to African development:

medafricatimesMorocco’s financial center Casablanca Finance City was awarded the Africa Economy Builders’ Grand Prize for best financial center in recognition for its performance and contribution to the development of Africa.

The award was handed over to the CEO of Casablanca Finance City, Saïd Ibrahimi, during the 6th edition of the “Africa economy Builders” organized last week in the Ivorian capital city, Abidjan, the CFC said in a press release.

This new award comes as a recognition of CFC’s positioning as a “business and financial hub in Africa and a gateway for investment in promising markets in the continent”. The distinction also recognizes the CFC approach, which falls in line with Morocco’s strategy geared towards strengthening partnership with other African states in the five sub-regions of the continent and promoting south-south cooperation, said the release.

Ibrahimi attended, along nearly 300 African and international officials, CEOs, business leaders, economic operators, as well as NGOs delegates, the 6th edition of the African Economic Builders Forum that focused on the “challenge of sustainable and inclusive growth facing the private sector in Africa.”…[Full Story]



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