
Morocco has over 10 million internet users | IT News Africa

Morocco, already one of the most connected countries in Africa, hits another milestone:

it news africaMorocco has passed an Internet milestone, exceeding the 10 million subscriber mark through the end of March, the country’s telecommunications regulator said. According to the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency, the country saw a 61 percent increase from the previous year, with 9.29 million accessing Internet services via 3G mobile.

ADSL customers in the country grew some 16 percent over the year, although voice continued its decline by 15 percent to 2.39 million users.

The increase in subscribers and mobile users in the country also saw the average revenue per minute drop to MAD 0.31 through March, down 9 percent from the previous year. But with the increase in users, telecom profits should not see any substantial drop in profits.

The average Internet bill’s price contracted by 31 percent to MAD 22 a month at the end of March, from MAD 32 a year earlier. 3G mobile Internet bills came down by 32 percent to MAD 15 a month…[Full Story]



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