
Morocco, the Netherlands co-chairs of Global Counter Terrorism Forum | North Africa Post

Morocco continues to play a leadership role in the global fight against violent extremism:

The North Africa PostMorocco and the Netherlands have been unanimously elected co-chairs of the Global Counter Terrorism Forum (GCTF) taking over from the US and Turkey which had chaired the forum set up in 2011.

The election took place during the GCTF Coordination Committee 7th session held in Qatar’s capital Doha last week.

The election of Morocco as co-chair of the forum represents a recognition of the kingdom’s sound strategy and unwavering commitment to countering terrorism and translates the international community’s confidence in Morocco as a fundamental pillar of the international anti-terrorism mechanisms, commented the Moroccan Foreign Ministry.

The election evidences, if need be, Morocco’s strong involvement in the struggle against extremism and terrorism at the international scale and its readiness to be at the forefront of this struggle as well as its standing as a strong strategic ally in the volatile Sahel Sahara region…[Full Story]

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