
World Bank approves 150 million dollar project to boost water efficiency in Morocco | Maghreb Arab Press

The latest World Bank investment in Morocco will boost efforts to make agriculture more efficient:

MAP logoThe Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank (WB) approved on Wednesday a project worth 150 million dollars aiming at improving water efficiency in the field of agriculture in Morocco.

WB approves 150 million dollar project to boost water efficiency in Morocco

The WB said in a statement that The Large Scale Irrigation Modernization Project is designed to bolster Morocco’s agricultural development, a sector that generates 40% of jobs nationwide.

“The project will finance the modernization of the irrigation infrastructure and will build increased capacities of service providers,” the same source said.

The project is also aimed at promoting the effective management of water and to help about 9300 farmers have sustainable access to the water needed for higher value agricultural production, the WB said.

In this respect, the project will support the achievements of the goals set in the national programme for the management and efficiency of water used fort irrigation (known by its French acronym, PNEEI), the same source added…[original story, subscription required]

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