
New Foundation Confirms Morocco’s Role as a Bastion of Moderate Islam | North Africa Post

Morocco’s leadership in promoting moderate religious values as a means to curb extremism continues to gain recognition:

The North Africa PostMorocco’s King officially launched on Monday evening the Mohammed VI Foundation for African scholars tasked with boosting scientific and cultural reflection on Islam and spreading tolerant Islam in Africa.

The foundation, which is part of Morocco’s strategy to fight extremism and religious fanaticism through spreading moderate Islam, is meant to foster coordination between all African Muslim scholars and also to preserve and disseminate the shared Islamic African cultural heritage, in addition to strengthening Morocco’s historical ties with sub-Saharan Africa.

The Mohammed VI Foundation for African Ulema will strive to promote an open and tolerant Islam in Africa and consequently fight extremism. The goal will be sought, as stated in the text establishing the Foundation, mainly through the unification of efforts of Moroccan and African theologians and scholars in advocating the genuine values of tolerance in Islam…[full story]


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