
Morocco’s communal and regional elections, a new step in the evolution of the Moroccan model (French think-tank) | MAP

French think tank: Morocco’s local and regional elections, beginning on September 4th, are “further deepening its modernization process”:

observatoire d'etudes geopolitiquesMAP logoThe communal and regional elections, slated to be held on September 04, to be followed by the renewal of the chamber of advisors on October 2nd, are a new step in the evolution of the Moroccan model, said the Paris-based think-tank “Observatory of geopolitical studies” (OEG), noting that advanced regionalization helps Morocco entrench its modernization process.

The think-tank which published an editorial in its September’s issue, writes that Morocco’s stability and the resolve of King Mohammed VI to move ahead have helped the country honor the electoral timetable, at a time no less than three organic laws related to article 146 of the constitution and royal instructions for the establishment of advanced regionalization were adopted in January 2015: the organic law on regions, the law on prefectures and provinces and the law on communes.

The constitution which stipulates the principle of advanced decentralization in its first article allows the devolution of several of the State’s prerogatives to local councils which also need to manage their own affairs by involving citizens in a genuine community-based democracy, the authors, academic Christophe Boutin and the Observatory head Charles Saint-Prot, wrote, stressing that the commune, the basic rung of administrative organization, was given new attributions in matters of planning and management in addition to competences shared with the State.

Henceforth, the two commentators go on, the region has an enlarged role in devising and following up regional development programs and regional territory planning, in keeping with the constitution adopted in 2011 by popular referendum.

“Thus, the editorial concludes, Morocco is further deepening its modernization process which, coupled to an exceptional stability in the southern Mediterranean bank, should allow the Kingdom to consolidate its status as an emerging country”…[ORIGINAL STORY, SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED]

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