
Morocco expands universal health insurance coverage | Zawya

Morocco makes healthcare coverage reforms targeting support for education and vocational training:

ZawyaA new health insurance law is set to take effect at the start of the upcoming school year, extending medical coverage to students at universities and vocational training centres in Morocco’s latest step towards universal coverage.

The inclusion of the hundreds of thousands of students enrolled in higher education represents a significant step towards achieving nationwide access to health care – a basic right enshrined in a 2011 constitutional reform – as around 38% of the kingdom’s 33m-person population is currently without medical coverage, according to the Ministry of Health.

As a growing share of the population becomes eligible for state-sponsored health care, authorities will have to contend with greater pressure on the supply of medical services and facilities.

Medical bill

In late July the parliament approved a law to extend coverage to public and private university students and those pursuing vocational training, with insurance for freelance and self-employed persons to follow…[FULL STORY]

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