
King Launches in Tetouan 2015-2016 School Year, ‘One Million Schoolbags’ Operation | AllAfrica

Morocco’s “one million schoolbags” program kicks of the school year again:

AllAfricaKing Mohammed VI launched, Thursday at Sidi Ahmed El Bekkal School in the northern city of Tetouan, the 2015-2016 school year and the “one million schoolbags” operation that will benefit this year around 4 million pupils.

This royal initiative illustrates the constant care given by the Sovereign to the education staff and the Moroccan education system. It also reflects the King’s resolve to promote the national education system in a way that helps young people hone their talents, develop creativity and meet conditions of citizenship in order to bring their contribution to Morocco’s general development.

Launched by the Sovereign in 2008, the “one million schoolbags” operation is part of these efforts to reform and upgrade the education system.

This annual operation is meant to give a strong momentum to basic education, confirm its compulsory nature, guarantee equality of chances in education and fight against school dropping out.

This year’s operation, estimated to cost up to 341 million dirhams, will be carried out nationwide for primary and high schools pupils, with a priority for rural areas (63pc). It is part of a solidarity-based approach focusing on the social dimension of the ongoing deep reforms covering several key sectors of citizens’ daily life.

The “one million schoolbags” initiative is also part of a national strategy to support schooled children and their families, for which a budget exceeding 2.150 billion dirhams was allocated this year. The strategy includes the “Tayssir” financial support program (worth 827 million dirhams) as well as programs to improve school meals, boarding schools and school transportation (34 million dirhams)…[ORIGINAL STORY]


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