
CEED conference marks tipping point of success for Moroccan startup ecosystem | wamda

Entrepreneurs are rising in Morocco, as “different players in the market are now realizing the importance of the startup scene and are looking to engage to support the Moroccans entrepreneurs”: 

Concensus is building that Morocco is where Egypt was four years ago.

Entrepreneurship is taking off, success stories are cropping up, the ecosystem is taking shape, and accelerators and investors are setting up shop, said attendees at the CEED Annual Conference in Casablanca on September 15-16.

Set at Bouskoura Golf City, the event wasn’t what you’d expect from an entrepreneurship event: the venue was inaccessible to public transport and almost too chic with men in suits outnumbering founders and young entrepreneurs.

Among the 500 people who attended the event were the usual suspects – CEED members, mostly running very small companies, and entrepreneurs – but what was different was the presence of Jordanian accelerator Oasis 500 and Flat6Labs, the accelerator with a presence in Egypt, UAE, KSA, and soon Lebanon and possibly also Morocco.

Universities and corporations were also there to learn more about the people and companies they believe could be the future of Morocco…[FULL STORY]


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