
Priceless heritage of Morocco’s Jews displayed at Museum of Moroccan Judaism | Middle East Online

Morocco hosts the only Jewish museum in the Arab world as a result of its rich multicultural history:

middle east onlineFounded in 1997 in the Moroccan economic capital by its founding president Simon Levy thanks to an initiative from Morocco’s Jews, the Museum of Moroccan Judaism is the only Jewish museum in the Arab world.

The museum offers a large display of priceless Jewish heritage, including jewellery, traditional Moroccan Jewish wedding dresses and photographs from different regions across Morocco.

“The Museum of Moroccan Judaism was founded by four people who are Serge Berdugo, Jacques Toledano, Boris Toledano and Simon levy with support from the Moroccan government and the ministry of culture,” Zhor Rehihil, curator of the museum said.

At the museum’s entrance, the new Moroccan constitution is clearly displayed as a testament to the country’s ethnic and religious diversity living in harmony.

“The new constitution emphasizes both ethnic and religious pluralism in Morocco,” said Rehihil who holds a degree in Anthropology and Museology from the National Institute of Heritage and Archaeological Sciences…[FULL STORY]


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