
Renewed Support for Morocco’s Goal to Make Government more Accountable to Citizens | The Financial

The World Bank continues to support Morocco’s reforms and its push for improved governance:

The FinancialThe World Bank announced on October 22 a US$200 million operation to support ongoing reforms in Morocco to make government more efficient and more accountable to citizens. The Transparency and Accountability Development Policy Loan (DPL) is the second operation of a comprehensive program designed to assist the government lay the foundations for meeting the governance goals outlined in the new constitution.

The new constitution responded to public discontent over poor service delivery and government institutions that were out of reach to ordinary citizens. The Transparency and Accountability DPL program was designed to support the government in taking the critical first step toward putting the constitution into practice, by developing the relevant policies and legal framework. The first DPL supported a broad package of reforms to improve performance and transparency of key public institutions and allow for greater citizen participation by making the chain of accountability clearer. The second DPL provides further momentum through deepened support to policies for fiscal transparency and citizens’ access to information and the right to petition. The new operation also promotes increased efficiency in the overall handling of public funds, with a focus on better financial management at the central and local government, as well as state owned enterprises, according to the World Bank…[FULL STORY]


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