
Morocco’s Eiréné4Impact in the push for social entrepreneurs | Wamda

Moroccan entrepreneurs are developing their skills and creating impactful and sustainable projects with this innovative “venture philanthropy” program:

This fall, school is back in session at Eiréné4Impact for two new classes of incubated and pre-incubated entrepreneurs.

The organization, which has been quietly running in Morocco since December 2014, describes its work as “venture philanthropy.” Their goal is to assist social enterprises via their incubator and investment fund.

Twelve startups in education, environment, employment, nutrition sectors – and more – are currently going through “Impact Lab,” Eiréné4Impact’s intensive pre-incubation and incubation program. The goal is to validate their ideas on the ground, either through proof-of-concept for those that are pre-incubation, or proof-of-market for those in the incubation phase.

The Eiréné4Impact team helps the startups taking part in the free pre-incubation program analyze the needs they’re looking to cater to, define their concepts, study and segment their markets, build a solid business model, and put together a launch strategy.

To get there, the would-be entrepreneurs are asked to shut their computers and test their solutions on the ground with their target clients…[FULL STORY]


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