
Morocco’s aerospace industry soars | Blouin News

Morocco’s targeted investments in developing an aerospace manufacturing industry are paying off:

BlouinNews-logoFrench aerospace firm Daher will open a third manufacturing plant in Morocco next year, L’Usine Nouvelle reported on Monday. The $16.26 million compound will be one of several new additions to come in the near future as Morocco’s aerospace industry blossoms.

In 2014 the Moroccan government launched an Industrial Acceleration Plan, aimed at boosting the country’s economy and creating a new, modernized industrial sector. The plan is expected to create 500,000 industrial jobs through 2020. And the aerospace industry features prominently in that plan. Early last year, a CNN report estimated that approximately 20,000 more trained personnel, mostly machinists and technicians, would be required in the next four years, and the industry will need to up its manufacturing capabilities in order to produce more complex parts.

Thales Group will begin construction on a metal 3D printing center in Morocco this year. The firm says it will be fully operational by 2018 and “will significantly drive Morocco’s aerospace manufacturing capabilities forward.” Other aerospace firms like Bombardier, Latécoère, and Stelia have also joined the bandwagon with major Morocco investment plans…[FULL STORY]


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