
Morocco’s Progress toward Economic Diversification Must be accompanied by Greater job Creation and Youth Inclusion | The Financial

A World Bank official on Morocco’s reform and development progress, as well as what’s next for Morocco-World Bank efforts:

The FinancialWorld Bank Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, Hafez Ghanem, closed on February 25 a four-day official visit to Morocco. He highlighted the critical strategic partnership between the World Bank Group and Morocco and called for continued and enhanced cooperation. In an adverse regional and global contexts, Ghanem commended Morocco for its achievements and acknowledged Morocco’s efforts to spur economic development and job creation, and to advance reforms to promote inclusive growth.

“Morocco is pushing the reform agenda at economic, social and institutional levels and sets an example for the MENA region and beyond. The World Bank Group stands ready to accompany Morocco in this process in order to foster economic and social inclusion” said Ghanem.

During his visit, Ghanem agreed with national authorities to put a special focus on youth, a most pressing agenda for Morocco and the sub-region. Adopting the social inclusion lens, the Bank will steer its programs towards the most vulnerable groups, including women, smallholder farmers, and youth. Looking ahead, the Bank will refocus its engagement towards jobs, lagging regions and education, in addition to youth. This will require adopting a multi-sectoral approach to better integrate policies and programs, according to the World Bank…[FULL STORY]


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