
Morocco: a singular path in a troubled region | El Cano

Moroccan diplomat and former Secretary General of the Mediterranean Union on Morocco’s development and progress:

el cano[…] Within this particular regional geopolitical context, Morocco, under the leadership of King Mohammed VI, chose its own path and resolved to work towards consolidating its democracy. Indeed, at a time when political transitions evolve in extremely tense conflict situations, Morocco has confidently pressed ahead with its political agenda, endeavouring since the country’s independence to foster a liberal, multiparty environment conducive to strengthening the Rule of law while displaying a firm commitment to international democratic principles, in full harmony with the country’s traditions of tolerance and openness.

The Moroccan global approach is different, unique, in that it capitalises on four elements: stability, vision, effective transformation and internationally-gained trust. These make Morocco’s democratic path unique and successful.


There are a number of key factors which make Morocco’s democratic path unique and successful, including its longstanding commitment to building democracy and its enduring option for modernity, political pluralism and economic liberalism…[FULL STORY]


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