
Sahara Issue: Paris Renews Support to Morocco’s Autonomy Plan, Irks Algiers | North Africa Post

France is the latest country to reaffirm support for Morocco’s autonomy plan for resolving the Western Sahara dispute:

The North Africa PostFrance’s Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on Tuesday hammered home his country’s support for the Morocco-proposed autonomy plan for the disputed Sahara territory as tension between Rabat and the UN Head Ban Ki-Moon, heats up.

Speaking at a joint press conference in Algiers with his Algerian counterpart Ramtane Lamamra, Ayrault maintained that France’s position on the Sahara issue has not changed and that Paris continues to support the autonomy plan presented by Morocco to the UN since 2007. This plan is described by many world powers and by the UN Security Council as “realistic, serious and credible.”

“Paris’s position of the Sahara issue has not changed,” Jean-Marc Ayrault said before expressing hope to see the mandate of the UN peace keeping mission in the Sahara, known as MINURSO, prolonged. He also expressed hope for an “appeasement” in relations between Morocco and the UN, referring to official and popular protests in the Kingdom against the statements and acts of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon during his visit to the Tindouf camps, in south-western Algeria, and to Algiers early March…[FULL STORY]




sahara desert will always belongs to Morocco <3

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