
Solar Pumps in Morocco: A 400M Dirham Project – Le Soir

(Article in French)

Morocco is investing in new energy sources such as wind and solar farms.

Morocco hopes to generate over 40% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020.

Le Soir, by Mounia Bouziane (Rabat, Morocco, June 28, 2013) — The national program to pump solar energy into water conservation and irrigation projects aims to subsidize small- and medium-sized farmers who would benefit from free energy. Reducing energy usage through solar power would allow farmers access to free energy, while allowing the state to reduce expenses from the butane gas compensation bank. The project is profitable for both farmers and the state with a budget of 400 million dirhams, enabling farmers to equip themselves with water pumps that use energy generated by solar panels. Morocco enjoys nearly 3,000 hours annually of sunshine, or more than 5 KW per hour of resulting energy per square meter per day.

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