
Three Comets for Northern Hemisphere Observers

PHYS.ORG reports on a comet which was discovered by the Moroccan Oukaïmeden Sky Survey, located in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco


Moroccan Oukaïmeden Sky Survey. Photo: CometChaser

Moroccan Oukaïmeden Sky Survey. Photo: CometChaser

[…] C/2013 V5 Oukaïmeden

Pronounced Ow-KAY-E-Me-dah, (yes, it’s a French name, with a very metal umlaut over the “ï”!) C/2013 V5 Oukaïmeden was discovered by the Moroccan Oukaïmeden Sky Survey (MOSS) located in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. After completing a brief dawn appearance in early September, the comet moves into the dusk sky and starts the month of October located 38 degrees east of the Sun at about 14 degrees above the southwestern horizon as seen from latitude 30 degrees north at sunset. Southern hemisphere observers will continue to have splendid dawn views of the comet through mid-September at its expected peak. Comet Oukaïmeden is currently at +8th magnitude “with a bullet” and is expected to top out +6th magnitude in late September shortly before perihelion and perhaps remain a binocular object as it crosses the constellation Libra in October.

And its also worth noting that as comet A1 Siding Spring (see below) makes a close physical pass by Mars on October 19th, Comet Oukaïmeden makes a close apparent pass by Saturn as seen from our Earthly vantage point the evening before! To be sure, the dusk apparition of Comet Oukaïmeden will be a tough one, but if you can track down these bright guidepost objects listed below, you’ll have a chance at spying it.

  • Brightest: Mid-September.
  • Perihelion: September 28th, 2014 (0.63 AU from the Sun).
  • Closest to Earth: September 16th, 2014 (0.48 AU)…[Full Story]

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