
European Council of Moroccan Ulema calls for united front against terrorism, Islamophobia | Maghreb Arab Press

Moroccan expat community in Europe stands united against terrorism, hatred, and Islamophobia:

MAP logoThe European Council of Moroccan Ulema (CEOM) called, on Sunday in Copenhagen, for a united front in Europe against terrorism, hatred and Islamophobia in the wake of the terrorist attacks in France.

“We express the unwavering commitment of the Muslim community in Europe to the values of democracy that ensure our living together in mutual respect despite our differences,” the Council’s President Taher Tujgani said.

The despicable attack against the French magazine was condemned by Muslims around the world and cannot in any case be attributed to Islam or be said to have been a vengeance of the Prophet, Tujgani said at an event attended by Christian and Jewish religious figures, diplomats and members of the Muslim community in Scandinavian countries.

Tujgani, who noted that terrorism has no religion, gender, colour, language or geography, stressed the need for an action in Europe in the spirit of freedom and openness with a view to reaching a comprehensive approach that tackles the context and origins of extremism.

On the same occasion, Tujgani denounced the erroneous interpretations of Islam and its lofty precepts as well as its use by extremists.

The Holy Quran and the Hadith as well as the life of the Prophet all enjoin mercy and peace…[Original Story, Subscription Required]



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