
Morocco, Regional Economic Leader, Best Placed to Lead Maghreb Integration (German Magazine) | Maghreb Arab Press

Morocco is best placed to lead Maghreb integration, according to the German publication NUMOV:

MAP logoMorocco, a regional economic leader, is the best placed and prepared to lead Maghreb integration, German NUMOV Magazine says in its latest issue.

Based on the studies of international institutions, the publication of the German Near and Middle East Association stressed the importance of regional integration which would create an additive 3 pc growth rate in each Maghreb country.

Maghreb integration would enable Maghreb countries to use all the assets in their negotiations with international stakeholders, such as the European Union, Africa and Middle East partners.

Referring to the significant progress made by Morocco, NUMOV Magazine highlights notably the socio-economic development programs initiated by the Kingdom, its assets as a trade hub between Europe and Africa, as well as its major advances in infrastructure.

Regarding Algeria’s closure of land borders, the author notes that this is a major obstacle to Maghreb integration, underlining that “the revival of regional integration is one of the most promising projects for the future”…[Original Story, Subscription Required]

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