
Moroccans to receive refurbished aircraft | USASAC Public Affairs

The Royal Moroccan Air Force is receiving three Boeing transport helicopters, recently refurbished in Oregon:

usasacThree refurbished CH-47D Chinook helicopters are on their way to the Royal Moroccan Air Force as part of a foreign military sales case facilitated by the Security Assistance Command.

The helicopters, which will arrive in August, were requested for humanitarian services but can be used as transport vehicles, if needed. The fleet delivery will provide modernized vehicles to replace existing equipment which has become outdated.

In addition to the aircraft, the FMS case included training, tools, publications and spare parts, for a total case value of $78.9 million.

According to Tom Brown, the country program manager for Morocco at USASAC, after seven months of refurbishment at Columbia helicopters in Oregon, the vehicles were ready to be shipped and are currently en route to Morocco…[full story]


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