
Relocating our startup from Seattle to Morocco was the best decision we ever made | Quartz

American entrepreneurs on their experience relocating their startup from Seattle to Taghazout, Morocco:

quartzShortly after graduating from university in the UK—and united by our shared desire to escape the corporate conveyor belt—we left the quaint cobbled streets of Durham, England behind and embarked on a trans-continental quest to build our startup, Maptia.

One thousand days, four continents, and many (mis)adventures later, the three of us have launched a growing global storytelling platform, where photographers and writers share remarkable stories from all over the planet.

This is the story of our 10-month relocation from the buzzing startup hub of Seattle to Taghazout—a small village on the coast of Morocco, where surfers and fishermen rub shoulders with nomadic entrepreneurs—and why, in retrospect, it turned out to be one of the best decisions we ever made…[FULL STORY]


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