
Students lead women’s running camp in Morocco | The Review (University of Delaware)

Two University of Delaware students created a women’s running camp in Ouarzazate, Morocco:

the reviewIt’s not common to see people—especially women—running and exercising in Morocco.

This cultural difference inspired two members of the club cross country and track and field teams to lead a five-day women’s health and exercise program after their study abroad trip to Ouarzazate, Morocco during winter 2015.

Seniors Elizabeth Clinton and her teammate, Nora Reynolds, had to keep up with their training while abroad. On their runs they reflected a lot on their own experiences running in a country where it wasn’t common to see women exercising in public. Clinton said the idea inspired her thesis about women’s participation in sports, but she said, “we also wanted to do something concrete—not just research about it but do something about it.”

Clinton and Reynolds applied for grants to return to Morocco to initiate the project. Between grants and some crowdfunding they were able to lead an exercise and leadership program for women called Tessria Camp, which they held this January…[FULL STORY]


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