
CHP (California Highway Patrol) team heads to Morocco for overseas assignment | KCRA News

The California Highway Patrol heads to Morocco on a State Department trip to work with Moroccan National Police “on building community outreach and boosting its presence on social media”:

KCRAThe California Highway Patrol is gearing up for an overseas assignment in Morocco.

“We’re on a mission with the U.S. State Department, and it’s really an honor and a privilege to be selected by them,” said Josh Ehlers, a captain with the CHP.

Ehlers is one of two people chosen for the trip. The pair will work closely with the Moroccan National Police on building community outreach and boosting its presence on social media.

“We’re a good partner for the Moroccans because their national police organization is similar in size and scope to ours, the population of Morocco is similar and we patrol geographic areas that are very similar,” Ehlers said.

This isn’t the first time CHP has been deployed overseas. Traffic officer Frederick Oakes spent about two months on assignment in Ukraine last summer, helping train the country’s new police force…[FULL STORY]


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