
Why the modern kingdom’s economy is reigning | The Report Company

A look at Morocco’s economy, led by “progressive reform,” in an article that appeared in the International New York Times:

the report companyMorocco’s strong domestic economic landscape and its embrace of free trade has seen the country develop almost unrecognizably in social and political terms over the last 20 years, backed by average economic growth of 4.36 percent since 1999. Thanks to a combination of solid, long-term politics and essential constitutional reform, the country is settling down to a new business climate and entrepreneurial spirit. The country is finding new markets in Europe, the U.S. and the Middle East, while continuing to provide a gateway to its partners in the huge, developing markets of the African continent.
In recognizing equal opportunities, cutting poverty rates by almost 50 percent in the last decade and instituting the Arab world’s most progressive family code reform to raise women’s interests, King Mohammed VI helped Morocco sidestep the worst of the Arab Spring. That paved the way for a new constitution in 2011, with Abdel-Ilah Benkiran brought in as chief of a coalition government in which 17 percent of politicians are now women, up from just one percent at the turn of the century…[FULL STORY]


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