Posts Tagged ‘renewables’

Moroccan Graduates Face an Uncertain Future despite Efforts to Promote Youth Employment – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader June 5, 2019 The Moroccan Ministry of Educationreleased the latest data on the number of students who will sit for the baccalaureate the week of June 11. Some 442,065 candidates, of whom 48% are female, are scheduled to take the exams. The baccalaureate is the key gauntlet through which high school students must pass to qualify for onward education. According to the report, candidates in the various ...

Western Sahara: Replacing Mr. Kohler – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley June 4, 2019 Who would want the job? Still, I suppose someone has to do it. James Baker overestimated his leverage, then overplayed his hand.  Peter van Walsum, a serious attempt at stating the obvious, abandoned by a feckless Security Council. Chris Ross, content to nurture the status quo, round and round to everyone’s satisfaction, until it wasn’t. Hans Kohler, barely there before he wasn’t. So, who ...

Can Libya Survive its Road to being a Failed State? – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader May 30, 2019 I had just finished undergraduate school when Gaddafi and the Free Officers Movement overthrew the monarchy and established a revolutionary state in Libya. I used to joke that the revolutionaries were in their 20s and so I had little time to make my mark on the world! Sad to say that the great wealth of the country, its extensive natural beauty, and very decent ...

King Mohammed VI Receives Prestigious Ellis Island Medal of Honor; Recalling a Special Event in American History – Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

    Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) May 23, 2019 On May 11, King Mohammed VI of Morocco was awarded the 2019 Ellis Island International Medal of Honor for his professional, personal, and philanthropic contributions that benefit our global community. He joins a group of distinguished world leaders who have been honored at yearly ceremonies since 2005, including  Prince Albert of Monaco in 2018, and Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel ...

Western Sahara: The Trouble With Peacekeeping–However – Robert M. Holley

  Robert M. Holley May 16, 2019 MINURSO is not the oldest UN peacekeeping mission. That distinction belongs to UNTSO, the peacekeeping operation headquartered in Jerusalem and UNMOGIP based in disputed Kashmir along the India/Pakistan border region. These two missions have been around for more than 70 years and are among six such missions that Ambassador Dennis Jett, currently professor of international affairs at Penn State University, describes as classical ...

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