
Jeremy Grantham: Why we must support Morocco – LeMag

Jeremy Grantham - PH investmentnews

Photo: PH Investmentnews


(Article in French)

LeMag, (August 11, 2014) — Jeremy Grantham has warned that the security and stability of Morocco should be an international priority.

Indeed, in an analysis cited by the British economic daily, Financial Times, Grantham assured that with its 50 billion tons of proven phosphate reserves, Morocco holding 3/4 of the exploitable global reserves of this matter is one of the few guarantees of global food security, since its phosphate happens to be one of the three most important components of agricultural fertilizer, with potassium and nitrogen.

According to Jeremy Grantham, Morocco is an exception in the Arab world, “It is an island of stability in a neighborhood made of failed states and this will last” he considered. Unless, he adds, “the geographical proximity of Morocco with an unstable neighborhood starting from Algeria to Egypt and Libya to Mali, because the risk of contagion of instability could at any time reach the kingdom.


[To Continue Reading at LeMag in French…]



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