
There’s No Planet B for Youth [Huffington Post]

United Nations Secretary-General Envoy on Youth Ahmad Alhendawi cites the El Mouddaa Adaptation Initiative in Morocco as an exemplary youth-led project for sustainable resource management:

Photo: Getty Images.

Photo: Getty Images.

[…] In our efforts to amend the injuries caused to the environment, we need to work hand-in-hand with youth to reach our goals. Youth need to be given the space and ownership to contribute actively toward ensuring sustainability of the beauty and richness of this planet for future generations to enjoy.

Young people around the world have demonstrated that they are entrepreneurial and creative. Innovations in how we educate and act are fundamental in the protection of our environment and people affected by climate change. Innovations in technology have facilitated access to life-saving aid in the aftermath of natural disasters. The El Mouddaa Adaptation Initiative in Morocco is a youth-led project that promotes sustainable land and water management, farming practices, and early warning techniques. This initiative has helped the people of El Mouddaa better face current and future climate challenges.

All around the world young people are actively designing and implementing such programs. On a deeper level, these initiatives have a systemic effect, changing the dynamics of their societies and promoting more sustainable and conscious behavior among their communities…[Full Story]


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