
After Rabat in 2013, Now It’s Chefchaouen’s Turn! [Le Matin]

Chefchaouen will host the next Social Good Summit (SGS), with the help of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) this month:

le matinSocial-good-summitThis year, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in partnership with the urban district of Chefchaouen, will be holding its annual Social Good Summit in Chefchaouen’s Mohammed VI Complex for Sports and Culture  on Monday, September 22nd at 4 PM.

The Social Good Summit (SGS) is a conference where “big ideas and new media meet to produce innovative solutions”. In 2013, the SGS was held in over 61 countries, including Morocco, attracting more than 20,000 participants worldwide. The conference in Rabat, which was broadcasted on Mashable’s website, hosted high-level speakers who initiated both a debate and a dialogue with an audience of 90 people…[Full Story]


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