
Morocco set on adapting vocational training to job market – Minister | Maghreb Arab Press

Morocco’s vocational training strategy aims to boost employment in strong growth sectors, targeting youth:

MAP logoMorocco’s development strategy provides for gearing vocational training to meet the needs of the job market said Minister Delegate to the Education Minister and Executives Training, Abdeladim El Guerrouj said on Wednesday.

Speaking at a meeting held by the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) on the reform of vocational training, the Minister said that Morocco’s vocational training strategy is geared towards meeting the needs of the job market through improving the human capital and facilitating access to employment for young graduates.

The new strategy is designed to ensure an inclusive vocational training benefiting the youth in all Moroccan regions, he said, noting that enterprises have a considerable role to play in the success of this endeavor.

The meeting is held by the CGEM as part of a series of monthly meetings focusing on economic and social issues facing Morocco…[Original Story, Subscription Required]

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