
On Tindouf Camp abuses, enough is enough | The Hill

How the Polisario systematically steals aid destined for refugees, and how this embezzlement inhibits meaningful negotiations:

The HillEvery year, countries around the world—including the United States—donate millions of dollars worth of food and other humanitarian aid to the Polisario Front-run refugee camps near Tindouf, Algeria to support the tens of thousands of Sahrawi refugees trapped there in desperate conditions. Meanwhile, the Polisario—a dictatorial separatist movement founded in the 1970s and bankrolled and hosted by Algeria—continues to enrich themselves while refusing to conduct realistic negotiations that could lead to a sustainable solution to the plight of the people they claim to represent.

Well enough is enough. It’s time for the international community and the U.S. to start taking seriously the eyewitness accounts and official investigations of the Polisario Front’s cruel and corrupt dictatorship in the Sahrawi refugee camps– and to do something about it.

The latest evidence is a report on an investigation conducted by the European Union’s Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). The investigation, conducted from 2003-2007 and just “unearthed” by the French news agency AFP, clearly documents “well-organized, years-long” embezzlement by the Polisario of humanitarian aid designated for Sahrawi refugees in the camps. The OLAF report reveals exactly how the Polisario steals millions of Euros in aid every year for the benefit of its leaders…[Full Story]

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