
Bids launched to start Green Business Incubator | Maghreb Arab Press

Morocco is creating an incubator for entrepreneurs in the country’s burgeoning Green Tech industry:

MAP logoThe solar cluster, in partnership with the Morocco Climate Innovation Center (MCIC), a World Bank initiative, is launching its first bid for projects to support the creation of innovating enterprises within the “Green Business Incubator”.

Eligible enterprises operating in the solar sector and in Green Tech will benefit from financing, mentorship, and advisory services provided by the Casablanca-based Green Business Incubator.

Selected entrepreneurs will obtain a whole set of services from offices, to support in enterprise creation (customized coaching and training, networking, direct access to industrialists/labs), a favorable ecosystem and counseling for financing tools.

Launched in April 2014, the MCIC solar cluster has established four categories of services to enterprises, namely “Green Business Incubator”, “Green Business Network”, “le Green Business Booster” and “Green Business Advisory”.

The MCIC, started jointly by the Moroccan Agency for solar energy and the World Bank’s Climate Technology Program, is part of a global network of climatic innovation centers. It consists in supporting Moroccan enterprises develop their project through a creative approach…[Original Story, Subscription Required]



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