
MCC and Morocco Sign MOU to Support Regional Cooperation | Millennium Challenge Corporation

Morocco and the MCC concluded a framework for utilizing Morocco’s development experience to benefit Sub-Saharan Africa, promote South-South cooperation:

mccMillennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Deputy Chief Executive Officer Nancy Lee and Minister Delegate of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Morocco Mbarka Bouaida today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the third annual U.S.-Morocco Strategic Dialogue. Morocco and MCC completed a five year compact in 2013 that helped build important Moroccan experience in tackling development challenges that are confronted throughout the region. The agreement, signed at the U.S. Department of State, will facilitate sharing the lessons of Morocco’s development experience with other parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, and serve as an important catalyst for South-South cooperation.

“This MOU demonstrates the value we place on Morocco’s experience and our desire to facilitate sharing the benefits of that experience with other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our new partnership advances MCC’s interest in regional cooperation which will be an important driver of growth. The agreement will allow us to have a broader systemic impact that sustains and expands the value of our compacts beyond the compact projects themselves,” Lee said…[Full Story]



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