
Morocco, OECD sign in Paris draft agreement on country program implementation | Maghreb Arab Press

Morocco and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have signed a cooperation agreement:

MAP logoHead of government Abdelilah Benkirane and Angel Gurria, secretary general of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) signed, on Monday in Paris, a draft agreement on the implementation of the Morocco-OECD country program.

Meant to reinforce cooperation between the two parties, this program will touch on several aspects as investment, trade, public governance, territorial development, education, social inclusion, employment and tourism.

It seeks to promote adherence to OECD instruments and the implementation of the organization’s standards and best practices.

Under this program, the two sides will cooperate on joint studies, examining Morocco’s national policies, and sharing information and statistic data. They also commit to holding events, seminars and workshops as part of the two-year program which is based on three main themes: growth and economic competitiveness, social inclusion and public governance…[original story, subscription required]

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