
Morocco leads North Africa investment | MEED

Morocco, “regarded as safest and most stable in North Africa,” experiences continued success in attracting investment:

MEEDMorocco is the foreign direct investment (FDI) success story of the Maghreb, despite being both smaller and less hydrocarbons-rich than its neighbour Algeria.

Last year, Rabat was Africa’s third-largest recipient of FDI. The 67 projects it attracted accounted for 9.1 per cent of all new schemes in Africa and 9.5 per cent of all jobs created.

FDI in Morocco rose in 2014 for the fourth year in a row, reaching $3.6bn, up from $3.3bn in 2013. Greenfield projects rose from $2.5bn to $4.6bn, in sharp contrast to Algeria, where they plummeted from $4.3bn in 2013 to $536m last year…[FULL STORY]


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