
Morocco sees solar grid parity just around the corner – report | SeeNews Renewables

Morocco’s renewable energy production looks set to achieve “grid parity,” meaning that it will be able to generate power at a levelized cost of electricity (LCoE) at or below the cost of purchasing power from the electricity grid:

SeeNews RenewablesGiven the current trend rate of decline in cost, solar power will soon reach grid parity in Morocco, an unnamed official at the country’s agency for solar energy MASEN told daily L’Economiste on Wednesday.

MASEN is overseeing construction works at three large scale concentrated solar power plants – Noor I, II and III at the Ouarzazate site – a surface of about 33 square kilometers (or 3,300 hectares).

Noor I – a 160 MW power plant with thermosolar cylindrical parabolic troughs and 3 hours of energy storage capability, will start feeding electricity to the grid by the end of this year. The power plant has contracted a sale price of MAD 1.6 (USD 0.165/EUR 0.147) per kWh.

Noor II, a 200 MW power plant with thermosolar cylindrical parabolic troughs and 7 hours of energy storage capability, will sell its electricity output at MAD 1.36 per kWh…[FULL STORY]


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