
King offers condolences to French President following terrorist attacks in Paris | MAP

King Mohammed VI extends his condolences to the French people:

MAP logoKing Mohammed VI sent a message of condolences to French president François Hollande following Friday’s terrorist attacks in several neighborhoods of Paris.

The King offers condolences to French President following terrorist attacks in Paris.

The Sovereign expresses deep emotion and sadness over the odious terrorist attacks in several neighborhoods of Paris.

In these painful events “I offer my most saddened condolences to you, to the innocent victims’ families and to the entire French people as well as my earnest wishes of prompt recovery to the wounded.”

“I would like to condemn in the strongest terms on behalf of the Moroccan people and in my own name these vile terrorist acts and express our full solidarity and support in this ordeal », the Royal message reads…[FULL STORY, SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED]


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